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Your AI Marketing Team In A Box.

AI Agents, Inputs and Tools that 10x the productivity of your teams or agency.


27001 Certified

AI Powered CoPilot

Scale Up Your Team With AI
and AI Agents

A infinite team of AI experts and tools to help work through your creative, content and marketing plans.



The need for content has never been higher.

Content or marketing involves many people, processes and resources.

Everyone is searching for ways to be more efficient.

How can AI help?



Compress your workflow by partnering with an AI system and AI agents trained on you or your clients company.

From data analysis, planning, research, creative, industry experts and more …

…all from one AI system.

Knowledge Bases

Stay on brand and on message.

Copilot screen

Knowledge and Memory

Your knowledge base provides the AI with the information it needs to work as a true creative and marketing partner.

Simply point it to a URL, upload pdf’s and docs or directly input information and let the AI extract the core rules to work by.


Trained On Your Data

We turn your data and company docs into a knowledge based RAG built for our AI systems

This provides CoPilot with context that delivers greater accuracy, reduces hallucinations and surfaces insights that be used through out the account.


Core and Project Level Knowledge

Build out knowledge bases and rules for your main brand/s and/or sub brands.

Roll in project level information such as customer profiles or goals and objectives.


From creative ideation to OKR planning.

creative concepts

What Do You Want To Create Today?

Outputs are your ultimate destination. Choose your output and start creating from …

– Personas
– Creative Responses
– Event Plans
– Strategy Docs
– Scripts
– Production Briefs
– Press Releases

The list goes on…


Your Own Templates

Design your own output templates that can be used across your business.

These maybe client or industry specific.

AI Agents & Tools

A team of experts and data sources to help you build your next campaign.

Animation of the Wooshii copilot product

Your Creative Content Assistant

Work with the Wooshii Co-Pilot to build out your content concepts, campaigns and ideas.

This will take into account all your knowledge bases and project level information.


AI Experts On Hand When Your Need Them

The real power lies in the experts in the room.

Wooshii Co-Pilot gives you access to hundreds of potential exports that you can work with. These are specialy trained AI agents.

Examples include;

customer and industry experts
– behavioural psychologist
– video marketing experts
– research analyst

Your team now has an almost unlimited size.


More Data Sources To Drive Creativity

Trends, News, Events, Articles

… they are all potential data sources that can be used to help your creative output.

Tools are built into CoPilot and ready out of the box


you can build custom input sources

Brand + Data + Research + Creative + Experts

Learn How Wooshii CoPilot Can Help Scale Up The Productivity Of Your Marketing And Content Team


What is the cost?

We offer a subscription based model that’s tailored to the individual needs of your business.

Prices can start as little as $1200 per month , and scale as your needs and requirements grow..

Is support included?


We have a dedicated account team to take care of onboarding, training and support

What sort of agents can I have?

You decide. You will get some agents out of the box. Along side this we will onboard custom or specialist agents to match your needs.

In terms of skillset – think any knowledge worker from legal to psychologist to customer.

How secure is Wooshii Insight?

Wooshii Insight uses a state-of-the-art infrastructure to ensure platform security. The application uses HTTP/SSL throughout as well as a micro-services infrastructure that routes every request through an Identity service, meaning users can only access data they’re meant to.

Within the platform itself, you have full control and can assign Users to Groups to restrict which sections of your data they can access.

We are also ISO 27001 Information Security Management certified.

Which AI models does CoPilot use

Insight works with the lates openAi models out of the box.

These models can be switched over to other models such as Claude or Gemini.

It is also possible to have a private LLM model connected.

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