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The Perfect Conditions for Video

There is a multitude of macroeconomic and behavioural factors that need to come together for video to be an effective medium. Now is the perfect time to scale the video to reach your audiences.

Media proliferation across digital channels and social platforms, raised levels of mobile phone users to access content, increasing information-seeking behaviours and lower attention spans provide fertile ground for video to thrive.

Many of the drivers that underpin the rise of video are mirrored in society; for example, the hike in home working due to COVID-19, with 50% of the UK expected to work remotely by the end of 2020 (source: ONS). There’s also the inexorable rise in online shopping, adding to the so-called demise of the high-street, with digital grocery orders doubling during the Coronavirus pandemic (source: Nielsen).

These and other factors mean people are spending more time online, with a reported 21% increase in social media usage in 2020 so far.

TikTok, which allows users to create and share short videos, reached 12.9 million UK visitors in April, up from 5.4 million in January. This is particularly important because today’s younger generation, who’ve grown up with video, are tomorrow’s consumers, and will expect to be engaged by outstanding content.

While media spend on other channels reportedly dropped as a result of COVID-19, marketers appreciate video is key for engagement and are investing accordingly.

In a world clearly becoming obsessed with video, marketers, comms and HR professionals must react quickly to changing audience behaviours – which in itself demands more video. There’s a growing requirement for organisations to possess the ability to deliver content fast, repeatedly and consistently on a global scale, but that is also tailored to the vagaries of any given market.

So, how are marketers using video?

  • 52% Brand Storytelling
  • 51% Social Media Engagement
  • 48% Product/Service Overviews
  • 28% Testimonial/Case Study
  • 40% Internal Communications
  • 51% Employee Training Videos

For more insights like this download our latest free video marketing report where we discuss the main drivers in video’s phenomenal success and how to best utilise it to create awareness, deliver engagement and influencing the decision-making process.

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