Yes, it may be the bane of filmmakers’ lives, but there’s no doubt that vertical video is rising in popularity. Why? As seems to be the case recently with all things marketing, it is down to the mass movement to mobile devices. Apps like Vine, Snapchat and Periscope all use vertical video as part of the platform, and there is no denying their popularity amongst millennials in particular.
What is Vertical Video?
Vertical video is content that is designed for a smartphone (tall and skinny), as opposed to a computer screen or TV (low and wide).
A huge number of consumers are mobile viewers. They want and need content, and they want it now. It takes far too much time and effort to pivot the phone to a landscape position, and recent stats suggest that saving consumers this stress does increase viewing figures.
According to data in the KPCB Internet Trends 2015 Report, mobile viewers are up to nine times more likely to watch vertical video ads (i.e. sponsored content on Snapchat) than landscape adverts.
How popular is it?
Mobile content has changed both how we view media and the face of traditional advertising channels. Americans now spend around 30% of their media viewing time on vertical screens/smartphones. Think about how customers at your company are using their mobile in their daily lives.
Branded mobile video does not necessarily have to be ‘cinematic’ in style. It could instead include more shots of faces and close-ups of objects, similar to portrait photography. When done well, vertical video can provide both the intimacy and informality of a video call.
Whether brands will take on vertical video in their marketing strategies remains to be seen, but there’s no denying the facts: mobile usage is increasing, video is huge, so video made solely for mobile can’t be far away.